Johann Caspar Lavater


Johann Caspar Lavater (1741 - 1801) is remembered today mostly in connection with his “physiognomics”. This is a one-sided perspective and misses what motivated him and also what he championed in his numerous books and letters.

From the countless writings that Lavater penned, the “Secret Diary” is the most interesting. It opens the door to his character and to the current question of how we best deal with ourselves.

The beginning

The diary begins like this: “In the name of the all-knowing and every-present God, I desire to begin a diary in this year of 1769. [...] But, o heart of mine, be honest! Do not hide your depths from me! I desire to be friends with you and establish a bond with you. Know, o heart of mine, that among all friendships on earth, none is wiser and more blessed than the friendship and trust of a human heart with the human itself! (Lavater, Secret Diary, 77 and 79)

The friendship

Friendship with oneself. How important this was to become in the development of modern subjectivity. Friendship with oneself. How important this still is today in the search for identity. Lavater reshaped the Christian tradition with this idea and similar concepts in such a way that it became spiritual, intellectual and moral nourishment for the people of his time.

The gravestone of Johann Caspar Lavater

The special feature

This approach is the true special feature of Lavater! It is this which remains of Lavater across time. It opens a new door to a kind of piety which unites Christian believe with the human soul. And perhaps also to a piety for the 21st century?

Lavater’s piety

Of course we are living in different times to those of Lavater. We are much more secular, much more absorbed in inner-worldly expectations and demands – and we are submerged by an immense flood of information. But – does all the news from worlds near and far fill us with joy and thankfulness, with the energy to make friends with ourselves?
Do the daily flickers from our screens allow us to sleep peacefully at night?
Wouldn’t a pinch of Lavater’s piety perhaps do us good?

Friendship with oneself

It is a piety that originates from a retreat into ourselves; beginning as friendship with oneself; combining the Christian faith with honesty about oneself; uniting self-perception with love of thy neighbour and of God.

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